Hair thickening for men tips outlined in this article. The hair thickening tips are for a man but also good for women too. These tips are a great way to make it appear like you have more hair. Hair thickening techniques range from better ways to style your hair to eating a varied, balanced diet. If you are a man or woman and are experiencing hair thinning, this is common as you age. Here are my 6 fast thick hair tips:
Men’s Hair Thickening Tips
Thick Hair Technique | How To Get Thicker Hair |
1) Reduce Stress For Health Hair | Stress can have a negative effect on your hair. Which can lead to a temporary condition called telogen effluvium in which causes hair shedding. |
2) Improve Diet For Healthy Hair | A poor diet can impact hair growth and hair structure. This is especially the case if you are not getting the right minerals for hair growth. |
3) Stop Smoking To Help with Hair Loss | Smoking has been linked to hair loss. Smoking damages the DNA of the hair follicle. |
4) Go Gently On Brushing | Never brush your hair while it’s wet and avoid blow-drying your hair using a high-temperature setting. |
5) Skip Coloring That Leads To Thin Hair | Hair coloring and straightening treatments lead to thinning hair. Treatments can make your hair even more fragile. |
6) Reduce Hair Washings To Thicken Hair | Limit the number of times your wash you hair per week. Over-washing your hair can lead to a dry scalp and fragile hair. |
Reducing stress can help with hair shedding
There is a condition called telogen effluvium in which is induced by a major stressor in life and if conditions are right can lead to hair shedding. It’s actually the second most common form of hair loss which is diagnosed by dermatologists. Some common causes of telogen effluvium are medication, hormones, diet, or environment. The best way to fight stress is to focus on diet and exercise and relaxation. Anything you can do to clear your mind, like meditation, yoga, or other healthy ways of coping with stress will help.
Having a poor diet can lead to thinning hair
Hair needs a varied and balanced diet to grow. Essential minerals are needed for hair follicles to grow hair and its structures. By not getting enough calories if you are on a restricted caloric diet can have a negative effect. Iron and Zinc are essential minerals need for hair growth. Certain foods like legumes, seeds, and dairy products are a good source of zinc. A good source of iron is green leafy vegetables, meat, and eggs.
Smoking linked to hair loss
It’s a fact smoking has been linked to hair loss due to the damage (how to protect your hair from damage) it can cause to the DNA hair follicle. If you have tried to stop smoking before and now noticing the thinning of your hair this might be a good time to try to stop again. In some very bad cases, can lead to androgenetic alopecia or otherwise known as male patterned baldness.
👍 How to protect you hair from damage
How you brush your hair can have an effect on hair condition and fall out too fast
Never brush your hair while wet. Your hair is at it’s weakest state while it’s wet. By brushing wet hair you pull the hair while it’s weak and it stretches until it snaps. this can cause split-ends. And as a result, make your hair look frizzy and dry due to the split-ends.
👍 Do not use a boar bristle brush to detangle your hair. The bristles are too close together and you will end up ripping your hair out. Instead, use a good brush like The Wet brush.
By forcing a comb or brush through your hair can cause you to pull out your hair and as a result, you can lose hair much faster than you normally would. Always go easy on your hair while styling.
👍 Best brush to avoid split ends
Also, consider using a lower temperature when blow-drying your hair. It will help your hair by not creating hot spots and drying out your hair to a point where it’s in a fragile state. You might even consider changing your hairstyle to one in which minimizes the use of hot air tools and constant straightening. Mask sure to avoid hairstyles like tight braids and ponytails. these hairstyles can lead to hair loss over time.
👍 Always use the right tools to style your hair.
Coloring your hair can make your hair more fragile
According to Stacey, Hair Research Analyst, “Hair coloring and bleaching your hair open the tiny shingle-like structure on your hair for the die to penetrate. This can lead to dry and brittle hair thus making your hair more fragile.” Many of the in-home treatments should be reduced or eliminated if possible especially if you have thinning hair. If you must color your hair look to avoid using ingredients like ammonia. Look for ammonia-free hair dyes instead.
Over-washing your hair
According to Meesh, Hair Product Analyst, “Try to go longer between shampooing.” Over shampooing can lead to dry fragile hair. Many times we just don’t realize that washing your hair too often strips away all your natural oils. Especially when you are using harsh chemicals like sodium lauryl sulfate in your shampoo. If you have dry hair or even frizzy hair this could be the reason why. You are just overdoing it with shampooing. And the answer is simple just cut back. Also, read the ingredients on your shampoos for alcohol. Try to avoid alcohols like the following:
These are damaging or bad alcohols:
- Isopropyl alcohol
- Propanol
- Propyl alcohol
- SD alcohol 40
The conclusion

To summarize hair thickening tips for men the best thing you can do right away is to stop some of the things I mentioned above. There are several fast fixes to help with thickening your hair. All of them are easy to do once you know what to do. Stop smoking, if you smoke. Stop over-washing your hair. Stop coloring your hair. These things you can do immediately to help thicken your hair. Also, you can start doing something immediately as well like, eating a balanced diet if you are not. Look for ways you can reduce stress in your life. All these things can add up and help thicken your hair and also at the same time help your overall health as well.
According to Alopecia Ahmad M. Al Aboud; Patrick M. Zito, “The term alopecia means hair loss regardless of the cause. It is not exclusive to the scalp; it can be anywhere in the body. Many therapies are available for the treatment of alopecia, including topical, systemic, and injectable modalities. This activity outlines the etiology, evaluation, and management of alopecia and highlights the role of the interprofessional team in providing the optimal management for patients with this condition.“
According to Diet and hair loss: effects of nutrient deficiency and supplement use, “Diet and hair loss: effects of nutrient deficiency and supplement use. Patients with hair loss often inquire whether nutritional supplements can help restore hair growth or prevent further hair loss. In fact, many will start dietary supplements without consultation in the hope that the supplements will help. The unregulated supplement industry also capitalizes on this population’s vulnerability. While hair follicles are among the most metabolically active in the body, and hair growth may be impacted by calorie and protein malnutrition as well as micronutrient deficiency, the links are complex.“
According to Tips for managing hair loss, “Hair loss: Tips for managing: Make an appointment to see a board-certified dermatologist. Hair loss has so many causes. The sooner you find the cause, the better your chance of getting results you want.
A dermatologist is a doctor who is trained to diagnose conditions that affect our skin, hair, and nails. They can get to the root of the problem, and in many cases, successfully treat hair loss.
You can find a dermatologist who can help you by going to: Find a dermatologist.
Wash and condition your hair without traumatizing it. Hair that’s thinning or falling out is fragile and easily damaged. Here’s what dermatologists recommend for their patients who have hair loss:
- Use a gentle shampoo. Some shampoos can strip moisture from your hair.
- Apply a moisturizing conditioner after every shampoo. Conditioner coats your strands, which reduces breakage and split ends.
- Make use of a leave-in conditioner or detangler. Applying this every time after you wash and condition your hair helps to reduce breakage, split ends, and frizz.
- Wrap your hair in a microfiber towel to help it dry more quickly.This helps reduce the time you spend blow-drying.
- Forgo hot-oil treatments. These heat up the hair, which further damages fragile hair.
Stop at-home coloring, perming, chemical straightening, and relaxing. If you want to use these, find a salon that specializes in the service you want and has professionals who know how to examine your scalp and hair in order to find the product most suitable for you. Make sure the salon uses a moisturizing conditioner afterward.
Limit your use of curling irons, flat irons, and hot combs, using one only on a special occasion, such as a wedding or job interview. These heat up your hair, which can weaken it.
Use the lowest heat setting on your blow-dryer. When possible, let your hair dry naturally rather than using a blow-dryer. To repeat, wrapping wet hair in a microfiber towel can help dry your hair more quickly.
Stop wearing your hair tightly pulled back in a bun, ponytail, pigtails, cornrows, or braids. Frequently wearing a hairstyle that pulls on your hair can cause a type of hair loss called traction alopecia. In time, anything that pulls on your hair can cause permanent hair loss. You’ll find styling changes that can help you prevent this type of hair loss at Hairstyles that pull can lead to hair loss.
If you have a habit of twisting your hair around your finger or pulling on it, try to stop. These habits can further weaken already fragile hair, causing more hair loss.
Brush or comb your hair gently, and only enough to style it. Tugging on your hair while brushing or combing it can lead to hair loss.
If you smoke, stop. Smoking causes inflammation throughout the body, which can worsen hair loss.
Eat healthy. If you’re not getting enough of some nutrients, such as iron or protein, this can lead to hair loss.
Eating too few calories every day can also cause significant hair loss.
Here’s what you can do to eat healthy: Healthy Eating Plan
Before taking a supplement to grow your hair, find out whether you’re getting enough of certain vitamins or minerals. A blood test can tell you whether you’re not getting enough of certain nutrients.
It’s important to understand that the supplements you see advertised for hair growth are not regulated. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate dietary supplements for safety and effectiveness before they are sold. That responsibility lies with the company manufacturing the product.
If you decide to try supplements, understand that they can do more harm than good. Getting too much of certain nutrients (including selenium, Vitamin A, and Vitamin E) has been linked to hair loss.“
According to Association between smoking and hair loss, “Besides being the single most preventable cause of significant morbidity and an important cause of death in the general population, tobacco smoking has been associated with adverse effects on the skin. Smoke-induced premature skin ageing has attracted the attention of the medical community, while only recently an observational study has indicated a significant relationship between smoking and baldness. The mechanisms by which smoking causes hair loss are multifactorial and are probably related to effects of cigarette smoke on the microvasculature of the dermal hair papilla, smoke genotoxicants causing damage to DNA of the hair follicle, smoke-induced imbalance in the follicular protease/antiprotease systems controlling tissue remodeling during the hair growth cycle, pro-oxidant effects of smoking leading to the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines resulting in follicular micro-inflammation and fibrosis and finally increased hydroxylation of oestradiol as well as inhibition of the enzyme aromatase creating a relative hypo-oestrogenic state. In view of the psychological impact of androgenetic alopecia on affected men and women, increasing public awareness of the association between smoking and hair loss offers an opportunity for health education against smoking that may be more effective than the link between smoking and facial wrinkles or grey hair, since the latter can be effectively counteracted by current aesthetic dermatologic procedures, while treatment options for androgenetic alopecia are limited.“