It’s easy to get a stuck hairbrush out of your hair. The key to remember is not to pull on your hair and to take your time.
Be Very Gentle With Your Hair
To get the hairbrush free, use your fingers and slowly pick hair from the hairbrush. When a hairbrush is stuck in your hair, remember to relax and do not panic. Do not pull on the hairbrush. Your hair can become even more knotted by pulling. As a last result you can always take out the scissors and start cutting.
Steps To Remove A Stuck Hair Brush Out Of Your Hair
1. Work Slowly
Main thing to remember is not to panic
2. Do Not Pull On The Brush
Pulling will cinch the knots tighter
3. Use Your Fingers To Gently Pull Hair From The Brush
Pull out individual strands of hair slowly
4. Take Your Time
It may take sometime but it will untangle
5. After The Brush Has Been Removed, Brush Knots From Hair
After the brush is removed your hair will have knots
6. Start At The Tips
Start brushing you hair to gently remove any knots
7. Work Your Way To The Scalp
Always start at the ends and brush to your scalp
Round brushes get stuck the most in hair. This is because the bristles go all the way around the brush and hair get caught at the bottom of the brush or gets twisted up as it rolls off the end of the brush. As I mentioned above the main thing is to remember to relax and don’t panic.

What you need to do immediately is stop pulling. By pulling all you will do is make things worse by cinching the knot even tighter. Instead, quickly reach for a bottle of detangling solution and spray all around the area and on the brush bristles too. Don’t be afraid to use a liberal amount. If you do not have any detangle solution then mix up some water with your conditioner. The idea is to make your hair as slippery as possible. Then very slowly and gently use your fingers to pick the hair from the brush.
Frizzy hair can be a sign of hair damage. If your hair cuticles are not smooth they could be damaged from too much heat, coloring or perms. Click to see my 18 solutions on how to tame frizzy hair forever. I know well the horrible feeling struggling to get a stuck brush out of your hair so I ended up changing out my brushes and buying these two. These are paid links:
Brushes That Are Hard To Get Stuck And Remove Tangles
- I’ve owned this one (Denman) for more than 10 years and it is still going strong. You can use it for styling or detangling. If you use for styling just remember not to focus the hair dryer in the bristles. Focus on your hair and your brushes will last a lot longer.
- This brush (The Wet Brush) is a great detangling brush for folks who to not have thick curly hair. The brush has flexible bristles and will work on thick curly hair but the brush above, my first choice will work through thick curly hair tangles faster. .
“Sometimes its better if someone else can help you. Its much harder working on getting the brush unstuck if you are having to reach behind your head or in an awkward position. This is where a friend, room mate or most anyone can come to the rescue. Just make sure to tell them not to pull and to work slowly.“
According to Meesh, Hair Product Analyst,
My top products to help with tangles. You will want to have one of these for next time you get a brush stuck. Got too many tangles? Don’t cut your hair try these products first.
If you try to do your own hair this may happen frequently. Having to remove a stuck brush from your hair is very common. Round brushes are probably the most common type of brush to get stuck in your hair. And it’s easy to see why. Due to it’s round and has a surface that can grab your hair on all sides. This makes it easier to get it stuck.
Common Hair Mistakes – Do you know that how people take care of their hair can be very different? What works for you might have nothing in common with what works for your friends. But a lot of people, no matter what kind of hair they have or what routine they follow, make common mistakes with how they take care of their hair.
What ever you do make sure that you do not pull on the brush. When you pull, you end up reinforcing the knot that is already there. It will get so tight your only option will be to cut your hair. Start by removing very small sections of hair from the brush by using your fingers. Hold the brush in one hand and using your other hand or have a friend help you remove hair from the brush very gently. You can try to unravel the brush. Sometimes this method works. What I mean by unraveling is turn the brush to unravel the hair. You hair may have gotten wrapped around the brush one too many times. By turning the brush in the opposite direction sometime unravels your hair.
“After removing the stuck brush your hair will most likely have knots where the brush was. So you will need to slowly and carefully starting at the tips of your hair brush you hair. Start at the tips and work your way to the roots until all the knots have been brushed out.“
According to Stacey, Hair Research Analyst,
Another method instead of using your fingers to gently pull out the hair from the brush by using a rat tail comb end or a pick. Gently insert the pick end of the comb underneath the hair stuck in the brush and lift up and away from the brush. Make sure you work slowly and in small sections.
Remember no pulling. Just be patient and soon you will have things back to normal.
How To Prevent Your Brush From Getting Stuck In You Hair
- Start with a clean brush
- Brush in one direction
- Work in sections
- Sections of hair needs to be shorter than the length of your brush
- Do not let hair overhang your brush
To prevent your brush from getting stuck in your hair in the first place always make sure to start brushing with a clean brush. When using a round brush, brush your hair in one direction only and do not roll the brush backwards from the direction you started with in the first place. Another tip is to make sure you work in sections. By not styling your hair in sections longer than your brush will prevent your brush from getting stuck in your hair. This will allow the hair to fold over on itself and get tangled and stuck in the brush. So be careful no to let you hair hang over your brush. Simply reduce the section of hair you are working with to slightly shorter than the brush you are using.
How To Remove Hair From Your Brush
Unfortunately there is no magical way to remove hair from your brush quickly. It’s going to takes some time and a little effort to remove the hair. But in the end you will have a nice clean hair brush. Furthermore it’s not a complicated process, it just takes time.
Why You Need A Clean Hair Brush
There are many reason why a clean hairbrush is needed. First off and most important it will cut down on tangles. The second most important reason is it will cut cut down on the brush getting stuck in your hair. And this is especially true if it’s a round brush. Rounds brushes as you know are very common to get stuck in your hair because it has bristles on all sides.
So what you want to do is get rid of all that old hair that is caught in the bristles. I highly recommend you do this for all your round brushes. They should be kept as clean as possible and ready to use when needed.
By not cleaning your brushes and having old hair embedded in the bristles promotes bacteria. In addition it makes it much harder for you to get a nice smooth blow-dry.
Tools Needed To Remove Hair From Your Brush
Really all you need is the brush that has hair in it and your fingers. But there are two other tools that might come in handy depending on the amount of hair and how tangled the hair is in the brush. The tools are a rat tail comb or a ball point pen if you do not have a rat tail comb and a pair of scissors. To wash your brushes you will need a sink or large bowl and shampoo. Johnson’s baby wash works well or you can use one table spoon of baking soda or both! A toothbrush for scrubbing the bristles. And lastly you can disinfect your brushes using a spray bottle with 70% alcohol. A can of shaving cream.
Tools Needed:
- Fingers
- Rat tail comb or pen/pencil
- Scissors
- Large bowl or sink
- Hot water
- Shampoo
- Baking soda
- Shaving cream
- 70% alcohol
- About an hour or little more of time
Steps To Remove Hair From Your Brush
- Start by using your fingers to pull up the old hair and away from the bristles of the brush. As you do this you will find you can probably pull most if not all of the old hair from the brush.
- If you do not want to use your fingers you can use a rat tail comb. Take the rat tail end of the comb and gently run it at the base of the bristles and with an upward motion pull the old hair up and away for the bristles. Sometimes hair can get down close to the base of the brush and your fingers are not able to penetrate through to get a good hold on the old hair. The rat tail end of the comb is excellent to get at the base of the brush and by sliding it under the old hair and pulling up you can then grab it with your fingers and remove it completely.
- If you do not have a rat tail comb then sometimes an ink pen will work. Just take the pen and run it up and under the old hair at the base of the brush ans pull upward. This should give you the same results, or close to it as using a rat tail comb. How you should be able to completely remove the old hair by pulling on it with your fingers.
- And finally another method is to use your scissors to run it along the base of the brush using the same method as described as above. You can even cut some of the hair as you pull it up and out of the bristles.
- Take your fingers and remove all the old hair from the brush. Carefully inspect the bristles and remove any visible hair. This could take some time and several passes are most likely going to be needed.
- Now that all the hair is completely removed you are ready to wash your brush. You can of course wash several brushes at the same time. This is dependent on how big your sink or the size of your bowl. Some folks use a medium sized plastic storage container. Really anything that can hold water will work. Put the bush in the bowl and squeeze out a nice size amount of shampoo into the bowl. I use hot water but you can use cold. For some reason I have found that hot water seems to work a litter better at removing stubborn left over hair product. Put enough water in the container or bowl so that it covers the brush.
- Let the brushes set in the water and shampoo mix for about an hour or so. If any of your brushes have a wooden handle then you should not let the brush soak in water for a long period of time due to it could ruin the brush. Letting plastic brush soak in hot soapy water for longer periods of time should be OK. Now this is where you will need the can of shaving cream to clean your wooden handled brush. Squeeze out a nice size amount of shaving cream in the palm of your hand. Take your wooden handled brush and make sure the shaving cream is spread over all the bristles. Work the bristles into the palm of your hand making sure it covered in shaving cream. Sounds strange but just wait there is more! Let the brush stand for about an hour. The shaving cream will now have time to work on all the hair care product that has built up on the bristles of the brush.
- As you take the brush out of the hot soapy water inspect each bristle for hair care product build up. You may need to use the toothbrush to gently brush the bristles to remove all the hair care product. If you have not cleaned your brushes for a while you may find them harder to clean due to there will be more hair care product built up on each bristle.
- After rinsing set your brushes out to dry. You can lay them out on a clean towel or surface. Optionally at this time you can spray with 70% alcohol to disinfect. I would not set them out in the sunlight. It may get too hot and damage you brush. Some brushes you will need to turn upside down so all the water will run out. You do not want any water to be left inside the brush. Some cushion brushes have a tiny hole for air get in and water to drain out. You want to make sure there is no water inside your cushion brush. A good idea is to turn the cushion brush upside down and squeeze the cushion with your fingers forcing out as much water as possible. You may have to do this many times to get out all the water.
- If you had a wooden brush and used shaving cream then it time now to take your brush and rinse off the shaving cream. Use the toothbrush if necessary to remove any hair care product reside the shaving cream did not remove. Once nice and free from soap let air dry for 6 to 8 hours.
- Congratulations! You now have clean brushes that will not get stuck in your hair.
Favorite Detangling And Conditioning Products
Anti Static And Conditioning Spritz | Recommendation |
1. John Frieda Frizz Ease | Works very well and add a little gloss to your hair. The anti-frizz formula is great and lasts a long time. |
2. Snip-its Tangle Tamer Hair Detangler Spray for Kids | Says it’s for kids but don’t let that stop you from purchasing because it works good. I like it because it contains no harsh chemicals, made in the USA and is cruelty-free. |
3. Joico Blonde Life Brilliant Glow | Smells nice and makes hair look shiny. Overall a very good product, not oily, nice and lightweight. |
4. xStatyk – Anti Static Hypoallergenic Spray | I like it because it has no heavy odor and is not tested on animals. It works by calming statically charged hair by evenly distributing ionic charges. |
5. Coconut Heat Protection Spray and Anti-Frizz | I can’t resist the coconut scent, but it’s a little on the heavy side so go lightly. |
6. Biolage All-in-one Coconut Infusion | I recommend because it does a lot for the price. It enhances shine, fights frizz, detangles, protects hair from heat, prevents split ends. |
7. Loma Hair Care Nourishing Oil | Honestly the vanilla bean and orange scent is great. You get thermal protection and humidity resistance in a nourishing oil based spray. |
8. Paul Mitchell Super Skinny Serum | I recommend because it give your hair a smooth, frizz,free finish that resists humidity. Plus it’s vegan, paraben and gluten free. Excellent!!! |
9. Paul Mitchell Foaming Pommade | One of my all time favorites. Works excellent but the down side you have to work it in using your hands so it’s not as easy as a spray on to apply. It is very good at providing light control for your hair. |
10. PURA D’OR Professional Moroccan Argan Oil | I like the Moroccan oil plus protects against UV rays and adds a bit of shine to your hair. |
11. Redken One United All-In-One | I love this product because it’s a leave in conditioner and heat protectant detangles, hydrates, fights frizz all with one easy to use spray. |
12. Leave-In Conditioner | I love it. An excellent product!!!! It has a lavender scent but honestly it’s so light you can’t really smell anything. If you have thin hair this product t will help improve texture. Does a great job at reducing static. I highly recommend. |
13. Redken Frizz Dismiss Anti-static Oil Mist | It’s an oil but it’s lightweight. Works good at anti frizz for taming flyaways. Contains Babassu Oil which come form the seeds of the babassu palm which mainly grows in the Amazon region of South America. It’s very similar to coconut oil. |
14. Color Wow Dream Coat | I like it because it encapsulates and transforms the texture of strands so they fall in smooth, silky alignment. It’s like water proof for your hair. Works better for some than others. Might be too light for some, but my preference is I would rather it be lighter than really heavy and oily. |
15. Moroccanoil All In One Leave in Conditioner | An excellent lightweight leave-in conditioner that hydrates, detangles, and provides long-lasting softness. Plus it has my personal favorite, argan oil. |
16. R+Co Foil Frizz Plus Static Control Spray | Good for getting rid of static, taming flyaway hair, eliminating frizz plus it’s a vegan and cruelty-free product. However, it works better for some folks than others. It might be too light for some with heavy static conditions. |
17. Redken Oil for All | It’s a lightweight oil that adds shine and smoothness to you hair. |
18. Redken Oil for All | I like because its a weightless, anti frizz formula works. Has a nice mandarin orange scent. Great at taming flyaways. |
19. Oribe Gold Lust Nourishing Hair Oil | I recommend because it gets rid of frizzy hair and also give you a nice healthy shine. Use on damp hair before you blow-dry or you can spritz on to control frizz on dry hair. Has a really good sandalwood scent. |
20. Oribe Gold Lust All Over Oil | I like because it’s color and keratin treatment safe. Plus it’s vegan and gluten-free. The down side is it’s not as easy to apply as a spray. You will need work it in with your hands and fingers. A few drops goes a long way. Very good at hydrating. |
HairBrushy: How to Get A Hairbrush Unstuck
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